*BLUE PINK BEAUTY (Stamile,P.) TET 9440-B  [(Poetic Voice x Shimmering Elegance) X (Big Sur x Great White)] 28” MRe. fr. emo. dor.  5½” x 3” x 2½”. 6-way branching. (4 + terminal y)      40 -45 buds.  SIMPLIFY, a call to a different life style.  BLUE PINK BEAUTY is all about the simple things that make a daylily beautiful.  The color is a so simple and pure blue pink that it is difficult to capture in film.  The foliage is a beautiful deep blue green that accents and picks up the hint of blue in the flowers themselves.  Branching and bud placement is superb.  BLUE PINK BEAUTY – one of the simple pleasures in life.  A fine daylily.  Easily fertile both ways…………………….$100.00