*CORONAL LIGHT  (Stamile,P.) TET 1324 [Rose Fireglow X ( Treasure Of Love x Chartered Course)] 25” EMRe. no fr. emo. Ev.  5 ½” x 3 ¼” 2 ¼”. 4-way branching.  28 buds.  Color! Color! Color! This clear rose red is a beacon in the early season bringing great color and flat form to the garden during the cooler season. Early blooms are a clear rose red with a well-defined white edge. As the season progresses the blooms develop gold edge that is much more pronounced. Since most people do not have rebloom the picture shows a typical flower on first scapes.
     Besides color, CORONAL LIGHT blooms are exceptionally well-formed with over square petals and wide blunt sepals. Excellent substance, beautiful ruffling and a grass green throat are noteworthy on this gorgeous flower. Fertile both ways.