*FIRST  TWILIGHT (Stamile, P) TET 129-C (Ballerina On Ice X [Victorian Lace x (Great White x Key Lime Ice)] 22” EERe. Dor. fr. emo. ext. dd. 5¼” x 3¼” x 2¼”.   7-way (5 + terminal Y) 25-30 buds. Every hybridizer dreams of creating what Walter Jablonski did with STELLA DE ORO but in a large flower. Wouldn’t it be great to have a flower open the season and then continue to bloom throughout the season sending up rebloom scape after rebloom scape? FIRST TWILIGHT comes as close to that as I have been able to achieve to date. Flowers open the season weeks before anything else in the garden is in bloom. It is not uncommon to have temperatures in the mornings in the 40F  but FIRST TWILIGHT opens beautifully even under those conditions. Noteworthy is that the gold edge appears early even when the temperatures are low. (The picture shows the flower when the night temperature was 50F). As a dormant I expect FIRST TWILIGHT to grow taller than the 22” it is registered at. The further north you go the taller the scape should be. I expect this beautiful pastel blend of cream and pink to do well everywhere. Fertile both ways.