HONKY TONK BLUES (Stamile,G.) diploid D99-15B  [Little Sensation x (Little Pleasure x Little Fat Cat)]  20”   EMRe. nofr. sev. 3” flower. 3-4 way branching. 20-25 buds.  Grace has done it again with this gorgeous 3” mauve with a violet lavender blue eye pattern and celery green throat.  The challenge is to get the blue eyes on plants that are diminutive and in scale with the size of the flower.  This is no easy task.  Some of the prettiest blue eyes have plants that would be better suited to 6” tetraploids than 3” miniatures.  Through rigorous and meticulous selection Grace has moved to change entire lines.  She has created two tiny races of daylilies: one in the blue eyes and patterns and another in her popcorn series of doubles.  Make no mistake, she is also moving there in the tets as well but the diploids are further along. But I digress terribly.  HONKY TONK BLUES is a garden treasure everyone should grow. Fertile both ways………………………$50.00