Patch of Blue

PATCH OF BLUE (Stamile,G.) diploid D398P [(Little Sensation x D97-34) x (D95-25 x Little Angel Eyes)] 21” EMRe. no fr. SEv. 3 ½”. 4-5 way branching. 30+ buds.
    You can easily see the blue color in this daylily. Note the normal color of the foliage and background in the photo. You don’t need to photograph Grace’s blue eyes in the shade or early morning to capture their color. They just are what they are. Interesting, while the base color of this flower is an orchid magenta, seeing PATCH OF BLUE and Grace’s other blues gives the entire daylily patch a blue cast that is very unusual in the world of daylilies where the yellows and oranges are so prominent. Fertile both ways.