*VELVET RIBBONS (Stamile, P.) TET 1120-A (Bali Watercolor X Skinny Marink)  44” EMRe. fr. emo. Ev.   11” x 1½” x 1”.  14” wingspan. Spider. Spider ratio 4.7:1.  6-way branching.  35–40 buds. This huge black violet has been eagerly sought since it first bloomed.  Most black flowers are small and many are trumpety.  VELVET RIBBONS is flat as a Frisbee and has a wingspan of 14”.  This is one big gorgeous dark flower.  Moreover, the flowers are outfacing; i.e. they face the viewer.  Good thing for at 44” you would have a hard time looking down at them.  Fabulous form, great color, outstanding scapes all characterize VELVET RIBBONS.  I got more keepers last year from VELVET RIBBONS than any other spider parent.  Fertile both ways.