*Erratic Behavior (Peat, John, 2003) Tet., JP-03-08 [(Kabuki Ballet x Street Urchin) X Altered State] EM., Re., Dor., 6.5" Fl., 26" Sc., 2-3 way branching, 20-25 buds, Super Fertile both ways.  A light cream to pink flower with red veins and a huge chevron, candy apple red eyezone that extends out almost to the tips of the petals with wide pink midribs shooting up the center of the eyezone. This is  probably not an extension of the eye, but a red petal self, with a matching red eyezone, and very wide cream petal edges, leaving only a dash of red petal self in the center of the petal, which is bisected by white midribs. The sepals also mimic the eyezone adding a whole different dimension to the pattern. A wire gold serrated edge lightly accents this marvelous flower. ERRATIC BEHAVIOR fully describes this flower emphatically, as the pattern of this flower, although very similar from day to day, is frequently variable.