*Midnight Madness (Peat, John, 2003) Tet., JP-03-09 [Arabian Magic X (Eternity’s Shadow X Clothed In Glory)] M., Dor., 6" Fl., 21" Sc., 19-23 buds. An extremely dark plum purple flower with very heavy substance. The dark green throat is accented by a light grey purple watermark. The purple turns a near black closer toward to the striking gold edge. The gold edge is not only bubbly, but it is heavily ruffled, crimped often with golden white popcorn like segments. Holds very well in the heat of the Florida sunshine. Not only does MIDNIGH MADNESS have an extremely striking contrast between the very, very dark purple and the edge, but also this is a completely dormant plant, and I personally do not know of another such dramatic contrast and heavy gold edge on a dormant plant that also performs perfectly in Florida.