Small World Elise Anne Kelly
Small World Elise Anne Kelly Small World Elise Anne Kelly
Small World Elise Anne Kelly Small World Elise Anne Kelly

Small World Elise Anne Kelly
'Small World Elise Anne Kelly' (Miller, M, 17) Tet, sw-dbl-14-t-14  ('Small World Ellen Brous' X 'Peppermint Truffle') Dor., Ee., Re., 32", 5.5", 5 way branching carry 28 bc. 100% double.  This double is named for another of Kevin Walek’s cousins as it reflects her “double” skills of performing beautiful music and her passion for ministering to people’s souls. The duality of the orange accented by the deep, dark orange red eye also amplifies on this theme. Orange with a cherry orange eye and double edge and green throat. Great clump. One of the best doubles I have ever seen to date. Great breeder. Show scapes. Great plant habit.  limited and a must have. Easy fertile both ways.