Small World Lilelani
Small World Lilelani Small World Lilelani

Small World Lilelani
'Small World Lilelani' (Miller, M, 17) Tet, sw-119-t-14  ('Small World Pansy Face' X Blue Springs') Dor., M., Re., 30", 5.25", 4 way branching carry 20 bc. Lilelani is a version of a Hawaiian name which means either “to catch or take something from” It reminds me of the beauty of the waterfalls and the vibrancy of the flowers in Hawaii!  It is also a variation of a nickname for one of Kevin Walek’s cousins. Hot strawberry pink with a bright red eye and double edge. Green Throat.  I love great clean colors. It catches you with its eyezone and gives it back on the edge. Great breeder plant. Limited and a must have. Easy fertile both ways.