Small World Northern Blue LightsSmall World Northern Blue Lights
Small World Northern Blue Lights Small World Northern Blue Lights
Small World Northern Blue Lights

Small World Northern Blue Lights
‘Small World Northern Blue Lights’ (Miller, M., ’13) Dip., sw-18-d-10 (‘Crystal Blue Persuasion ’  X  ‘Small World Blue Print') Dor., M., E., 28”, 4", 3-way branching, 14-18 BC.  Cream with a blue pattern eye and deep green throat.  This is the first dormant blue eyed anything that I know of.  A lot of work has gone into creating blue eyes in a dormant.  A wonderful achievement for us and there’s more to come.   This would be a great addition to a breeding program for dormant blue eyed seedlings.   Puts on a good show and reblooms well in our VA garden.  Good plant habit.  Easy fertile both ways.