Small World White Megalodon
Small World White Megalodon Small World White Megalodon
Small World White Megalodon Small World White Megalodon
Small World White Megalodon Small World White Megalodon

Small World White Megalodon
'Small World White Megalodon' (Miller, M, 17) Tet, sw-sp-125-t-14  ('Small World Lollypop Kid' X 'Tet Heavenly Angle Ice') Dor., L., Re., 40", 8.75", 5 way branching carry 27 bc. White with a pink peach undertone. Named after the largest known prehistoric shark.  The spatulate petals and form of this flower give it the appearance of immense strength.  Fine buzz saw, shark teeth add to the “killer” effect. Green throat. UFO. Significant rebloom all season. Good garden performer. Also a Great Breeder. Hope to have some with 1 inch white shark teeth's all over it one day. Passes rebloom on to its offspring. Would win shows but it start blooming to late for the shows. Limited and a must have. Easy fertile both ways.