Small World Oh My
Small World Oh My
* ‘SMALL WORLD OH MY’ (Miller, M.,’ 08) Tet., sw-4-t-05 (l-20-t-02’ is from (‘Border Music’ x ‘Flying Saucer Blues’)  x ‘Celebration of Angels’) Re., M, Sev., 34 in.,  5 ¼ in.,  4 way branching carrying 20 buds. This bloom is an eye shocker! Has a blue cast to the eye and edge on a great white bloom. Just a wonderful color!  Has a wonderful green throat and a eye with rise tracks in the eye.  Has a different color eye inside the one making for a different look. Easy both ways. Also has a show scape. Sure can’t wait till I see the kids crossed with some converted blue eyed stuff I have.