Small World Sepal Streaker
Small World Sepal Streaker
* ‘SMALL WORLD SEPAL STREAKER’ (Miller, M.,’ 08) Tet., sw-08-t-04 (‘You and Eye’ x ‘Small World Codi’) Re., EM., Dor., 36 in.,  5 ¼” 5 way branching carrying 28 buds. Here is one awesome looking bloom on a clean white back drop with a fantastic  green throat.  I love the way the eye is feathered out  like paint running down a wall. An awesome breeder passing on dormancy and streaking to its kids. I love that we are starting to put out more and more daylilies that are tall.  Not only tall, but blooms up and out of the foliage so you can see the blooms.  This one has a wonderful show scape.  Easy fertile both ways.