Front Range, Daylily

*Front Range

*FRONT RANGE (Stamile,P.) TET 42-G (Laura Mast x Tet Kaleidoscope Intrigue) 40” M EVRe. Fr. 7”. 5-way branching with 25-30 buds.

    Coming upon the Front Range of the Rockies for the first time one is awed by the size and ruggedness of the snow capped peaks. Similarly, when first coming upon FRONT RANGE one is awed by the massive size of the plant, it’s scape and flower size. This one definitely does not belong in the front row of the border.

    FRONT RANGE is a light rose blend with a multicolored eye of purple, lavender and charcoal. Sepals often have a large wide white patch edged in fuchsia. FRONT RANGE may be one of the largest flowers I have ever done, not so much in diameter as most of the spiders, unusual forms and long petals have a larger diameter, but in sheer mass of the flower it is hard to beat. First flowers on FRONT RANGE can top 9” and being full formed are massive. All are held on strong well branched scapes. A super daylily. Fertile both ways.