Stamile Daylilies

Stamile Daylilies – “The Cutting Edge”

Welcome to our 2024 Introductions

          We are excited to introduce four of our most powerful parents for blue eyes: three tetraploids and Grace’s diploid Still Got the Blues. Aquamarine Jewel is paramount for creating new shades of blue into the teal and aquamarine shades, Blurple Masterpiece creates huge blue eyes that cover the face of the flower, and Misty Jewel creates wonderful creams with blue and red eyes.          

          Grace’s mini program continues to see some amazing new patterns, light to white edges and bicolors in both her blue-eyed and doubles programs.

          We are continuing to see improvement in both the length of the bloom by reliably crossing reblooming daylilies which also have well branched scapes. The idea is to have many flowers open with the flowers well above the foliage blooming for 8 weeks or more. Think of the bloom of an azalea and imagine it for eight weeks instead of two.

          This year we are again offering our spring introductions in the fall. The plants now have been lined out for several months and are beautiful but they are much smaller than they would be in the spring. Much of our growth occurs in the fall and spring so spring plants will be huge in comparison to the fall plants. I urge you to take delivery of plants at the best time for you. Please let us know when you would like shipping.

                                                                                                            Pat and Grace