Lilac Clouds, Daylily
Lilac Clouds, Daylily

*Lilac Clouds

*LILAC CLOUDS Pierce G.  6329-E (American Graffiti x John Wayne) SEV E RE EMO 34” high, 6.5” flower, 7-way branching, 40 buds, Fragrant.  Fertile Both ways.

     Larger and lighter than Ocean Lotus, LILAC CLOUDS is a cool and light-colored pattern – Refreshing…  The lilac is melded with a pillowy white with silver tones, getting more distinct the hotter it gets.  This eye pattern covers over 80% of the flower Face, and the effect is Lovely!  LILAC CLOUDS also grows like a weed, even with the big scape and all.  I hope you enjoy her as I do…